PN Metal is founded in 2003, by Mr. Plakjanoski Novko who is, since then, directly involved in the management and production process. There are 104 employees along with the hi-tech equipment divided in two separated plants with 5000 m2 covered space each. The whole fabrication process of the sheet metal is at the first plant and assembling, packaging and loading of the completed products at the other plant.
Our company is specialized in production of devices for heating which are using wood pellets and our monthly production capacity is 5.000 pellet stoves which place us among the top European pellet stoves producers.
PN Metal is accepting the standards for working which are set by BSI London (ISO 9001, ISO 14001).
All of the components that we are using for our products are with origin, standards and certificates of the EU.
We believe in the pellet technology because it is improving the quality of life, offering healthy and ecological heating, comfort and functionality, according to the needs of our time.